The cool, clean and safe way to cook. -- Stainless steel housing. High quality cast iron plate diameter: 188mm + 155mm. Thermostat controller. Power-on indicator light. Thermo fuse for safety use. Skid proof rubber feet. Functions: Stew, Fry and Cooking,...
The cool, clean and safe way to cook. -- Stainless steel housing. High quality cast iron plate diameter: 188mm. Thermostat controller. Power-on indicator light Thermo fuse for safety use. Skid proof rubber feet. Functions: Stew, Fry and Cooking, suitable...
The Cool, Clean and Safe way to Cook!-- Stainless Steel Housing High-quality cast-iron plate diameter: 188mm Thermostat controller for adjusting the temperature according to the food cooking requirement Power light indicator Thermo fuse for over heat protection Skid proof rubber...
The Cool, Clean and Safe way to Cook!-- Stainless Steel Housing High-quality cast-iron plate diameter: 188mm Thermostat controller for adjusting the temperature according to the food cooking requirement Power light indicator Thermo fuse for over heat protection Skid proof rubber...
Professional Hot Plate WF-251 High-quality cast-iron plate diameter:188mm Temperature controller for adjusting the temperature while cooking Power On Light Indicator Thermo-fuse for safety Over-Heat Protection Skid proof rubber feet Functions: Stew, Fry, Cooking, Suitable for heating any kind of pot...